Seeing nothing but Red Page 13
There were so many options, stockings or no stockings, bra, bralette do I wear a corset? I had no idea. It took an hour of endless options for me to finally decide on one. He was going to lose his mind when he saw me, well i hope he did anyway.
After a little pre show of me swinging my hips around the kitchen whilst cooking up some dinner, i had been unaware he was watching until i heard the creak of the chair. There he was , his eyes fully glued to my body watching me dance like an actual idiot around the kitchen, singing away looking as smug as anything. This was it, finally to put my plan in place, i ordered him to go and wait for me in the dining room, to my surprise he did exactly as i said. This boosting my ever growing confidence, i quickly slipped into my little Green matching lingerie set and some racy heels i’d bought as well to finish off my jaw dropping look. My adrenaline had overtaken my nerves and as soon as he laid eyes on me that was it. Nothing felt better than the look on his face once he had looked my way, the shock, sexual tension and pure and utter lust was pouring out of him. He was biting his bottom lip in disbelief. Before he had any time to react I straddled his lap and lets just say I instantly felt the effect id had on him. It just escalated from there it was dirty rough and dam good sex. He carried me into the bedroom, he took his time as if he was unwrapping his favorite gift but within 10 minutes we had both got impatient, i was practically begging for more as i quivered under his slightest touch. We ended up in the living room, sprawled across the floor, panting in exhaustion from the best sex i’ve ever had. My fingers drawing rings across his tattooed chest, yet again that yellow rose caught my attention. As he held me closer, i noticed his head beginning to drop as he began falling asleep i had a million thoughts going racing through my mind. Yes this moment was perfect but it was only this morning when he had been so cold , and this week he’s not been his normal self. I wanted to see if i could help more than just entertaining him. I wanted to fully take his mind off whatever was bothering him so deeply.
Then I had an idea, why didn't we go away for a mini break. Somewhere new for a few days. I gently suggested it, treading carefully not to upset him again, i had a reputation for saying the wrong thing.
Ty would remind me of that often. So subtly i asked, innocently dodging around the elephant in the room. Orion being Orion simply replied with the most heart melting response, as always. He always knows what to say, “ As long as I'm with you Red, Everything's going to be okay” I was speechless and I just couldn't respond to a sentence so perfect , so i snuggled deep into his arms, my leg wrapped around his body and my head resting on his chest and we slept.
I slept like a little baby and i felt like a real life disney princess when i woke the next morning. Because,When i woke up i saw Orion perched on the floor filling two suitcases, his perfectly ripped body glowing in the morning sunrise. I swear everytime i look at him i fall in love a little bit more, he manages to bring out the most uncontrollable smile across my face , even when he's not even doing anything. He must of felt me looking at him because he turned round with a grin. “ Morning sleepyhead, Rise and shine we leave in half an hour. Was getting worried i was going to have to leave you here” His smug chuckle followed him as he left the room. Hang on a minute did he say we were leaving in 30 minutes? Here I lay practically naked in bed, how did I even get in bed?, i’ve just woken up and he’s told me we are leaving in 30 minutes. Leaving for where? “No time for questions” i heard him say as he darted from room to room collecting belongings as he walked.
I was making my way to the bathroom for a shower when I heard him bellow down the hallway “ no time to shower just get dressed, you can shower later baby”
Wow we really are in a rush, I quickly chucked on my jeans and Orion's baggy t-shirt slipped my biker boots on a tied my hair into a loose bun. I looked in the mirror before I left the bedroom and I looked, well i looked like I had just been woken up. But it would have to do.
The smell of him still lingering in my skin leaving my body burning for more, but I needed to get my ass in gear and out the front door as clearly we are in a rush this morning. As i made my way to the driveway , there he was leaning against the passenger door waiting for us to leave, As he watched me over the top of his sunglasses, i couldn’t help but have a stupid grin spread across my face . boy i was fucking lucky to find him.
Okay, it's been over two weeks since April just disappeared from the face of the earth. I have driven past her place everyday since the night I ran out on her. The night which changed everything, the night she poisoned my mind with her face. Ever since that night I haven't stopped thinking of her and it's literally driving me insane. I'm not eating properly, every redhead i see, which used to be not many but now they’re bloody everywhere, i think its her, even though it's clearly not. I think a part of me is just secretly wishing she's going to appear back in my life. I'm not sure why i am so stuck on this girl, I barely knew her but i knew deep down there was something about her.
I knew for certain one thing, that was I was concerned for her. Ever since she fell off the face of the earth I've been driving by her place and do you know what? I'm not sure if its been bought or whether her family is just really dodgy because the people she hangs around with aren't good people. I literally drove past a week ago to see a guy fucking a women on the bloody front lawn at 9am in the morning. Not that it really matters as you just wouldn't do it anyway but there was innocent children walking to school. It was crazy, then a few nights ago I drove through her street on the way to my new house and i couldn't actually get through as the people she was hanging with closed it for some street racing. Whatever she was mixed up in wasn't good, the people she had around her house were dangerous and she just didn't seem like the type to even talk to these rough guys let alone hang around with them.
The thought she was in trouble we keeping me awake at night so I bit the bullet and decided tonight would be the night i would go round and knock on the door. Now i know she literally bit my hand off the previous time I did this but i didn’t give a shit, I just needed to know she was okay.
This huge steroid filled beast of a guy was the one who opened the door, this was the guy id seen around town a few times. Boy his face was familiar.. Before I got a chance to even ask for April, my eyes gazed beyond this beefcake stood in front of me to the person standing behind. The words followed fell out my mouth as quick as my jaw fell to the floor in shock “What the fuck are you doing here”.
So our few days away turned from 3nights to 2 weeks! It had been the most perfect getaway, more than i could of ever asked for. Life has become so chaotic, I was so busy trying to keep the business together that in fact it was a blessing in disguise it falling apart. This had finally given me the out i truly needed. I never needed the money, my adopted lawyer parents were crappy parents but they did one thing and that was made sure I never had to worry about money ever again. Once they tragically passed away from a tree randomly falling in the road on top of their car. Everything was handed over to me, I hadn't realised how much they were worth because they were so busy working all the time they never really actually had anything to show for it.
As bitter as it probably sounds, it’s the only thing i'm actually grateful for.
Anyway the getaway was delightful , neither of us wanted it to end. We spent 2 weeks in the cosy comforts of a cabin in the woods. Many girls would cringe at the idea of no internet and being in the wilderness but not my Red. She loved it, sitting by the fire, snuggled into my arm whilst she sketched her little heart away. In all honestly i'm not sure which one of us enjoyed it more. I remember on the fourth day i woke up to her attempted blueberry pancakes though she hadn't used any flour and well it was the thought that counts right? Even dodger screwed his nose up them. It wasn't pleasant, but the look on her face as she watched my face forced me to suck it up and eat the whole damn plate full. I’d eat manky pancakes everyday if i got to wake up to that face
. She was blissfully unaware and extremely proud of herself, we spent the rest of the day snuggled on the sofa until the fire ran out and i ventured off to collect some more firewood, Dodger assisted in the giant stick collecting.
On our walk back home the sun was beginning to set, the lights from the cabin made looking through the window like a tv screen. There I stood on the porch, an arm full of heavy logs watching April run around the cabin, frantically lighting little tea lights. She had her hair up in a bun , her fiery red curls blissfully escaping the tight bun at every moment they could. She was dressed in a gorgeous white dress, probably the first time I've actually seen her wear clothes that actually fit her and aren't mine. She was nervous , I could tell by the constant chewing of her bottom lip. I was about to go inside and stop watching her before she noticed me, when Dodger started barking, fully giving my presence away. My eyes darted back to her to catch her staring directly at me, with her arms folded and a smug grin across her face. “Cheers for that Dodger” I mumbled under my breath.
She had set up tea lights all around the living room, the fire somehow was lit with more wood. So now i know that was a ploy to get me to leave for a few hours, the sneaky devil. “Whats all this” i curiously asked. She stepped forward, leaning on her tippy toes and whispered into my ear , “ i want you to dance with me”. “Dance?” i replied, wasn’t the response i expecting. “ but there's no music Red?” confused i studied her face. To receive a smug response of “ we don't need music to dance Orion” And that, that was true because once she leant her head on my chest and held her hands in my palms. This was the only music i wanted to listen to, the tapping of our feet creaking on the old wooden floorboards as our hearts beat as one , i held her closely and we danced for what felt like minutes but must of been hours. We danced until we couldn't dance any longer. I gazed into her eyes “ your perfect Red” as soon as the words left my mouth I felt her body shift within, she broke my gaze and went to walk away. Frustrated by her response i grabbed her hand , “ why are you walking away?” i couldn't understand why she was breaking this perfect moment by walking away.. “ i’m not , i’m getting a drink” she sharply replied.
There I watched her hang her head over the sink, frustration and pain had taken over her face and I couldn't understand why. What did I do for her to be acting this way, I could have understood if I had done something to hurt her feelings but all we had done was dance and I called her perfect. Where is the harm in that?
Like that , to add to my ever growing confusion she fell to the floor and began to sob her heart out. Nothing was breaking me more than seeing her this upset, I'd never seen someone cry to hard so quickly. I could feel the thudding in her chest as she breathed in so harshly as she desperately tried to calm herself down but she just couldn't. Dodger had been asleep but as soon as she fell to the ground, he was at her side , his head on her knees. I was just stood there, just stood watching like an idiot.
Unable to watch her in this state any longer I lifted her into my arms and carried her to the sofa, she just cried into my chest “ im sorry” she chanted over and over.
Lifting her chin so her eyes met mine although she was doing everything in her power to not look at my face, I gently spoke to her “ Hey, Red don't cry sweetie. What's the matter, come on baby talk to me?” my hand slowly brushing up and down her back, her crying was slowing but she still hasn't said a word other than “ I'm sorry”. I just held her close, whatever the matter was i knew she was far too upset to say anything. I held her closer, probably too tight but I didn't want her to feel anything but love right now.
Some time passed, and she began to pull away wiping her tears on her arm. Desperately she tried to pull herself together, i just moved her arm away and softly pleated “ Please talk to me Red?”
The day had been so perfect, i had planned a cute evening for Orion. He had done so much for me that i wanted to show him how much he meant to me. I had managed to hide all the firewood, cor there was a lot of it. Somehow Orion hadn't noticed how much we had so when it all magically disappear overnight he innocently went to fetch more this afternoon. This was perfect as it gave me time to light a billion tea light and do my hair and finally wear this cute dress i’d bought before we decided to get away. The longer he took to come home the more nervous i got, i had made this place look so cosy and cute. I felt confident for the first time in a while, i actually thought i looked quite pretty, i even decided to wear my hair up which is a rarity for me. Funnily enough i seem to be wearing it up more recently, as much as my hair hates that because it all falls out and down by the time a few hours have passed.
I had butterflies swarming my stomach as I stood there looking around the room, boy I was nervous. You know when your so looking forward to something, that your pretty certain that you've forgotten to do something? Well yeah that something was the food i was meant to of started cooking two hours ago. The food that is currently still sitting in the fridge. Shit. so i had gone to all this effort to cook a lovely meal and spend a cosy night in for me to forget to fucking cook the dinner. I mean really? Who does that.
Okay so i had no food to surprise him with, but a blessing in disguise is that he didn't know my plan so he won't know that I actually forgot to feed him. Quickly hiding the plates away so he had no idea what i had been up to , i stood deep in thought chewing on my lip frantically trying to think of something else for us to do to pass the time.
The sudden barking of Dodger took me by surprise , also his head swiftly ducking from the window surprised me even more. How long had he been watching me for?
As he walked through the door his eyes traveled from my head to toe and by the look on his face he approved of my dress.
I made some bullshit story about how I wanted to dance, even though he put up a fight because we had no music, but the real excuse was that i wanted to do anything to be close to him, I loved the way his skin felt on mine.
The moment was precious, time was standing still and the soft thudding of his heart was singing to my ears.
That was until he sweetly said the words “ your perfect Red” And like that, them words broke me in two. I felt myself shut down as much as i didn't want to. Within seconds i lost control of any rational thinking, i retreated to the kitchen to gather my thoughts but it was too late, i fell , i fell to the floor with a heavy thud, my crying became sobbing, i just couldn't stop it either. Its like i was fighting with my own self to have any control over my emotions. I felt Dodgers presence instantly, his head perched on my knee. Instantly removing some of the pain from my heart. Not long after i was lifted into Orion's arms, i knew he was concerned it was oozing off him. I wanted to let him know I was okay, but the only words I could muster up to say were I'm sorry, I just couldn't stop saying sorry. I was so angry with myself, i had ruined this whole evening and i couldn't even stop crying enough for me to start to fix it.
He held me in his arms so tightly I actually started to calm down to the point where I was able to actually speak to him. I wanted to speak to him. But i just couldn’t. For the first time since I've met Orion I was ashamed of myself. Yet again I felt like the girl who used to hide behind her wardrobe just so her brother wouldn’t be able to get to her.
He was patient, he left me just to sit in his arms that was until I finally started to pull away. I just wanted to hide, I wanted to hide from him because I was so ashamed of myself for what had just happened. I tried to get off his lap but he wasn't having any of it, he just wanted me to speak to him.
After sometime I said “ Okay, I'll talk to you but i need you not to look at me” without a word he closed his eyes, “ I'm listening” he reminded me.
I was so nervous to try to explain what had just happened, I knew why it had happened but I just didn't want him to change the way he looked at me once i had told him. “ promise me something?” I asked nervously . he nodded in response “ you won't change the way you look at me once i talk to you, please”
he nodded once more.
Biting the bullet i took a deep breath and got to it. “It's not you, it's never you, before you start to worry. The words your perfect are so beautiful. But for some reason them words burn me.” another few deep breaths i carried on “ I haven't told you much about me, there isn't actually much to tell but well. My life before i met you was dark and no one really knows what life at home was like. Once my mom left , all because she was jealous of the way i look. Ty..” i hesitated, his name gave me a harsh chill across my body “.. Ty, became my guardian. The thing was we were never close but we tolerated each other, until he started drinking and taking drugs. He became violent and scary. It seemed every time we moved house, he became worse, to the point where he would drag me by my ankles out of my bed in the middle of the night to dry up dishes from dinner. He would get angry if i had not made him something to eat by 5.o'clock. He would throw house parties and give my stuff away to the guests. He would burn my sketchbooks and then laugh when he saw me getting upset. He knew i was helpless. The worst thing was, ,now and again he would be nice to me and i would foolishly be left thinking he had changed. All until he would do something even worse to me than before, he's the reason i wear my hair the way i do. Every Night i would slide this big solid oak wardrobe across my door just so he was unable to get me whilst i slept. I constantly felt unsafe in my own home. I would cry so much my face would be so swollen and bruised that i’d just hide my face, hang my head in shame. I couldn't cope with the world seeing me the way i was. My life was far from perfect, i am far from perfect and for some twisted reason you calling me perfect made me realise how imperfect i actually am. How fucked up my life really is. Sometimes i think you deserve better Orion, you really have a heart of gold and here's me with all my problems.” when i finally braved to look at his face his eyes were open, wouldn't surprise me if they had been open the whole time. He didn't show any emotion on his face and i was worried i had just ruined everything, i tried to keep it as light as i could but i guess he never expected them words to have left my mouth. I started to get up when he pulled me back into his chest, his lips softly kissed the top of my head. Then he said it, he said these three little words. Words i’d never heard before, words which took all my pain away within seconds, the words that filled my heart. “ I love you Red” i suddenly looked up frowning, he said it again slightly louder this time. As if he was making sure i heard him. I was still stuck in shock. Then he placed me on the sofa next to him as he stood up walking around the room shouting “I love you Red” he just got louder and louder until he flung the front door open and there he was stood on the porch, in the pitch black of night bellowing out to the world. “ I love you April Valentine”