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Seeing nothing but Red Page 14


  Ever since them worlds left my mouth, my life felt complete. I can't seem to find the words to describe it. But it just felt like everything had been made clear and all I wanted for the rest of my life was her. Funnily enough those three words, I love you. I’ve never said to another living soul before, but in that moment she sat pulling her deepest darkest demons out of her house of horrors, they were the only words I wanted to say to her, and they were the only words I wanted her to hear.

  I didn't want to dig deeper into her past, I wanted to be her future. I wanted the world to know that I was in love with April Valentine and so that's what I did, I stood there on the porch in the dead of night, yelling in my loudest voice sweet words to this gorgeous women who stood before me. I continued to tell the world until she placed her hand over my mouth, uncontrollably giggling with the most unforgettable blush on her cheeks. Once I gave her a moment to get over her fluster of emotions, she whispered back to me. “ I love you too” and that's all I needed. All i need to sweep her into my arms and carry her to bed, no more dancing for you missy. Tonight we are going to do nothing but make love under the gorgeous glow of the moon.

  We remained in bed for the rest of the week, only emerging to get food and to feed Dodger. We wanted nothing more than to each other and that is all we needed.

  Finally deciding to go back home was tough as neither of us wanted to leave but we knew we would have to burst the bubble and eventually venture back home. I couldn't stop thinking how lucky I was to have her in my life, if i hadn't shown up that day how differently things may of turned out. The drive home was interesting to say the least, I let her drive as she was insisting on me sitting back and relaxing whilst she literally took the wheel. How i regretted ever handing her the keys.

  To put it lightly, she is a little speed demon and she scared the living hell out of me. Not sure if Dodger fully realised the danger we were all in, with her behind the wheel but him whining luckily made her pull over and sit in the back with him. Cheers buddy not sure i would of lasted the whole journey without giving myself an aneurysm. After swapping places I was back to the sweet comfort of being in control, in a now safe moving vehicle. That was until we pulled up to my house, to find a bunch of cop cars and cops surrounding my property. The little bubble we had thrown ourselves into had been popped and i was just sat in my car aimlessly terrified that my worst fear had come to light, my business had been uncovered and i was in deep deep water.


  Arriving back home was like walking into some mystery crime drama, there was police scattered all over Orion's property. As soon as we reached the house All the colour just drained from Orion's face, he was on edge, shifty and i was really questioning what this was all about. I patiently waited to see what he was going to do next, but he did nothing. He just sat there almost as if he was stuck in time. Curiosity and concern was flooding me so before i started asking him questions I darted out of the car and ran out of the driveway.

  Just kidding, I quickly hopped out of Orion's Jeep, much to his surprise, he was sternly whispering through gritted teeth “April get back in the car now” but all of a sudden I had become hard of hearing because I never heard him say that. Or did i. ?

  Anyway, I approached one of the coppers who automatically started questioning why I was here and who I was. I felt like I was in trouble and all i did was walk up to my, well Orion's house. I explained i lived here and that we had been away, i then got to ask why the fuck they were scattered everywhere. Well, the answer was not one I expected. It went a little like this,

  “ On Tuesday the 3rd of March, we got called out to a suspected disturbance at this address. Amongst arrival there was no visual disturbance. Before dismissing this as a false alarm, we then noticed there was a strong odour protruding from the property. Upon further investigation we discovered the property was in fact on fire and there had been a break in. As we are treating this as arson you can understand why we are currently investigating. But upon even further inspection we had come to the conclusion that this was either a kidnapping or suspected murder due to the message on the Red Pontiac located in the garage and yourselves not here or contactable.”

  I was almost speechless but something he had mentioned had distracted me from all of this horrific news he had just told me, I asked “What did the message say?” the police officer looked shifty. “It's not what it said exactly mam, it’s the statement the action gave.” With that he rolled the garage doors up, i was speechless. What i saw right in front of me, made me feel instantly violently sick. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing.

  There Orion's Beautiful red Pontiac sat covered in blood and i mean there was gallons of it. Imagine driving a car into a river, the water would fill the seats ,every crook and cranny and would just drown the vehicle, well imagine this on land but change the water to blood. Well this is what i was looking at. And there on the wall behind, the words written were “ you have little miss Reds blood on your hands”. Now i know , you know and we all know what this truly meant. I think as soon as the copper saw me, He knew what this message meant and well im pretty darn sure i knew who sent it.

  The copper continued by stating “ Our theory is that they were hoping for someone in particular to be inside the property whilst the fire was active and this was left for whoever found it first. I can understand this must be very tough for you to witness, do you have anyone for us to ring for you? Also we would like to ask you some questions after you’ve had a few minutes to process all of this, I understand this is very hard to see” i couldn't think straight , the only thought that was circling my brain was the fact my brother wanted me dead, he had planned to kill me. If we hadn't gone away I would be dead.

  Yet again, I was flooded with emotions and I was pretty sure i was about to have a panic attack. My head became light and I felt incredibly dizzy, i can't believe this. I was struggling to catch my breath, that was until i felt Orion's arm pull me into his chest. He did nothing but hold me and softly whisper in my ear “ It's alright baby i've got you, your safe”. As much as his words began to comfort me ,this horror show that was being played right before my eyes was a new low for me and i couldn't help but regret ever getting Orion involved in my messed up life.

  I couldn't stand this situation any longer, I broke out of Orion's arms and I headed back to the car where i just sat, in shock. Bewildered with what had been going on whilst we were away, what i was struggling with most was the massive what if rolling around in my head. What if I had been home, what if Orion had been home , what if, what if , what if! I was in shock, major disbelief that this was real life, i tried pinching myself a few times but yes , i was awake and this was all happening. I just can't believe it.


  Absolute carnage. This situation was carnage but it was far from what I was expecting, I was mildly prepared for the uncovering of my business. Mentally I was not, but I had a system in place for if i was to get caught. I however did not have any procedures in place for a situation like this. This was horrific. April had taken it pretty badly, I was pretty sure she was going through a mental breakdown in my Jeep right now but i had to get my own head wrapped around what was going on before i tried to fix hers.

  There my beautiful pontiac sat drowned in pigs blood , so the officer told me, apparently once they had investigated further from the break in and fire they thought they were dealing with a murder and since both me and April had been in a cabin in the woods for two weeks. They had no idea if we had been victim to a murder or kidnapping. The whole situation was in fact crazy and i honestly don't understand how the officer is being so calm and understanding because I am freaking out.

  One someone DID break into my house, Two someone DID set fire to my kitchen hoping it would seem like a house fire, Three someone DID drown my pontiac in pigs blood but lastly the message on the wall was the scariest of all. It was a threat, almost a promise that something bad was due to happen to April. The thought of any harm c
oming to April brought a vicious chill across my body and i just felt full of anger and fear.

  The copper clearly reading my every thought via my facial expression tried his best to calm me but I was overwhelmed and what pushed me over the edge was when i turned to see April in the car, Why was she in the driver's seat?

  Her gaze met mine and she mouthed “ im sorry” as she started the engine. I knew as soon as I saw her sat in my seat what she was doing and I just stood there. Like the little kid on christmas morning watching my dad drive away from me all over again. But this time it was worse because i knew she was going after the monster that had caused all of this. The police officer nudging me took me out of my past and back into reality. “ what's going on , why is she leaving? Sir if you know something we don't you need to tell us now. I can tell there is more going on here than your letting on.”


  It had been a mental 24 hours after i knocked on April's door looking for her, But to my surprise I found my waste of space father with that psycho Ty.

  It hadn't been a warm welcome from either of us, also to no surprise my dad was drunk , shocker. I think he was as shocked as me at our surprise unintentional reunion, but his shock lasted a little longer than mine as without thinking i punched him straight in the face, I suspect I broke his nose but i didn't stick around once i noticed Ty out of the corner of my eye lifting up a baseball bat up.

  I fled back to my car, adrenaline pumping round my veins. I can't believe it that piece of shit was back in town after all these years. I would of gladly never seen his face again but the question I keep asking myself is, why is he back after all this time?

  Id spent the next 24 hours racking my brain, trying to figure out why he would be back and why was he hanging around with Ty. If my dad had come back to cause trouble he had gone to the perfect bloke to help him create it.

  2 Days later

  I was sitting at the traffic lights, on my way to find some sanity to this madness. When madness appeared before my eyes, this red headed lunatic in a big jeep zoomed past me over taking about 6 vehicles, headed straight into oncoming traffic and jumped at least two sets of red lights. It wasn't long till it dawned on me who the crazy lunatic driving that vehicle was! It was Miss Valentine. Without hesitation i put my foot down and followed her foolish ways through the two sets of red lights. She was clearly in a hurry or something because she was doing around 95 mph in a 40 mph zone. I tried keeping up with her safely at a mer 60mph i could still see her in the distance but the streets where just far too busy for us both to be speeding. Keeping a steady pace behind but still managing to follow her, it didn't take me long to work out where she was heading.


  I eased of a bit more and i lost her, with hope i was right and she was heading back to her house and that i hadn't just lost this mystery girl once again. I wasn't far from her house when i noticed the Jeep parked up on the kerb, quickly sliding my car in front of hers i ran to see if she was still in the vehicle. Its safe to say i was shocked to find a big dog barking at me instead , crap she wasn't here. But my main bet was that she was in that house, so i walked down the street to her home, my heart thumping out of my chest. This whole situation was bizarre and had me on edge but i had to make sure she was okay., my concerns were confirmed when i heard loud shouting and then a piercing scream that brought me to a blinding holt, panic set in, i fastened my pace still wary of what i was about to walk into.. Fuck it. I was full on sprinting by this time , the words “ get off me” echoing down the street. A loud bang stopped me in my tracks, what the hell was that. It wasn't loud enough to be a gunshot but whatever it was it was powerful. As i turned to run up her driveway i saw her limp body resting over my father's shoulders as he threw her into the boot of his rusty old car, the way he just tossed her lifeless body in the back of his car like she was nothing made me sick. My gaze frozen on what he was doing as i approached him, i had passed anger and instantly gone to how i was going to save April from whatever is going on here, i was so focused on getting to him that i never saw Ty approaching me with that baseball bat again and before i had time to react it was too late.


  I cant believe what is happening right now, only 3 hours ago I was sitting in my car with April. The happiest I have ever been, I had my whole world by my side and it felt amazing. I was captivated by this goddess next to me and she would leave me with these crazy thoughts , like me spending the rest of my life with her. I wanted this chick to be my ride or die. My one and only to grow old together and never leave each others sides. I wanted to give her everything she deserves, but once we got back to my house. What was presented to us both was something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. My perfect life twisted yet again into my own horror show and guess what, i had front row tickets.

  After my brief encounter with Police officer Colt, he was such a decent bloke very understanding that was until we were both left watching in shock as April sped out of the driveway in my car. I got a full on grilling from the rest of Officer Colts team, the main question being “ do you know of anyone who would want to harm you or April?” and my answer was always the same “ no not anyone” when in fact I could probably write a list of who would want to harm me and i could put Ty at the top for wanting to harm April. Harm. more like kill, as he has clearly stated in blood.

  I was having a terrible time focusing on this officer, not trying to give away my extreme panic. I tried so hard , my leg was frantically jiggy away i couldn't keep my eyes from shifting in every direction but his face and well i felt like i was going to explode. I was about to, but instead I just shot up ran over to my pride and joy my brand new Dodge Challenger SRT Demon, black on black. I’ve driven her about 3 times. Luckily she was in my second garage away from all that pigs blood but anyway i really don't care about that right now. Officer Colt stood in front shaking his head and blocking my way for seconds until he gave in and moved round to the car window, sliding me his card and whispering “ get out of here quick, any trouble call me, dont do anything stupid”.

  The thought of April going to see Ty has turned me into a mad man who can not be stopped, i mean i’ve just ran away from this police officer, jumped in my Demon and sped off. I’m half expecting blues racing behind me with the way i just sped out of there, as im acting like a guilty man. If only I was able to tell them what is really going on.


  So , listen. You know what we just arrived back home to. This absolute nightmare. Well, there i am sat in Orion's Jeep, trying to rationalise and take in this situation but everytime i look up and see his face. I see what Ty can take away from me, i see Orion bleeding heavily and i look down into my palms and there just pouring with blood. Not my blood, his. His blood is on my hands. This is what will happen if this carries on. Ty can do whatever he wants to me, but i can not let him destroy Orion. I look up again, he's innocently talking to the same police officer i just was, but the more i stare at him the more i feel it in my gut. I feel Ty taking all of this away from me and i just can't have that. I slide over into the driver's seat, gently switching the engine on but that was no use, Orion’s Jeep roars to life i frantically look up to see if anyone had noticed, well everyone noticed. My gaze caught Orion's, as his face went white, he instantly knew what i was going to do, i could tell by the shocked expression on his face. My eyes flooded with tears as i mouthed “i'm Sorry” and before i broke down into a blubbering mess i took a deep breath.


  I slammed it into reverse, swinging it round off the drive, creating a hell of a scene as I wheel spun out of the driveway. As I sped away i looked in my rearview mirror to see Orion just frozen in the same spot, aimlessly watching me leave. I felt awful and I knew he would hate me for this but it was time I put him first. I needed to protect him from this, and me. This was my baggage coming to bite me and i sure as hell wasn't going to sit by and let him get bitten.

  I was behaving recklessly and i didnt even care. I was pas
t it, I was so overwhelmed with anger and the need to confront Ty right now. I was overtaking lanes of traffic, jumping red lights and going way over the speed limit. I just didn't care, the quicker I got to him the better. Arriving down the street of my former hell hole I parked my car away from the house as I'd somehow forgotten Dodger was still in the car and whatever was about to go down there was so way i wanted Dodger anywhere near it.