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Seeing nothing but Red Page 2
Seeing nothing but Red Read online
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I arrived at our new front door, turning the key , the lock jamming as i was frantically trying to dislodge it,so I could enter my hell. I knew it was too late but if i made a scene outside, for the new neighbours to see i would be in even more trouble than I already was in. Finally entering the house, I closed the door. Bolting it from top to bottom, sliding lock after lock. Must have been about 6 locks all together. There was no way someone was accidentally going to walk into my house. As much as I wished they would, to save me, sweep me off my feet and whisk me far away from this Evil.
Approaching the dining room I could smell smoke, burning? Is there a fire in the house? My heart sank when I saw what I was greeted with.
A trash can sat in the middle of the oak dining table, filled with all my sketchbooks, all on fire, all my years of drawings and paintings up in smoke right before my eyes. My heart tore, tears began to roll down my cheek. Silently sobbing under my breath in pure devastation.
I slowly turned my head to the figure chuckling in the corner of the dining room, watching the pain and hurt I was experiencing, he was enjoying it. My older brother, just stared and laughed as he burnt the only thing that had ever meant anything to me right before my eyes. I feared moving so I just stood there in horror, a sudden sharp sound pierced my ears, he was clapping? He was moving ,slowly but wickedly clapping as if i was performing a play and I'd done a great job.
With Heavy strides he stood in front of me, in a chilling tone, “ you did this, you did” his chubby fingers roughly poked my chest leaving instant bruises , “you have no one to blame but yourself.” And with that he pushed passed me, with enough force to cause me to fall into the wall, my bones taking the sudden impact. “Now make me some goddamn dinner” i layed slumped on the floor too afraid to move.
This made him angrier , he pulled me by my hair and brought me to his face , in a loud bellow he shouted “ didn’t you hear me, Cook my fucking dinner now!” he dropped me and i scrambled to my feet ,ignoring the excruciating pain i was in.
I somehow made my way to the kitchen and began cooking, I had to cook something quick before he came back for more. Scrambling the cupboards I boiled some pasta, this will do and within minutes I was able to serve him up a quick meal. I placed it at the table and sat patiently on the chair opposite watching him eat.
He took one mouthful. Yes ONE mouthful before calmly standing up and dropping the whole plate of food on the floor. He chuckled “ woops. Good thing i have already eaten. Get this mess cleaned up. I'm going out with the boys , make sure my bedrooms clean when I get back, I may have company tonight.” With that he unbolted the door and left.
I stood looking at the pasta sprayed everywhere up the walls and the furniture, hopelessly thinking of the hours of scrubbing this cream carpet i was about to endure. Numbness swallowed me whole. With a deep breath I did as I was told as quickly as I could, so I can avoid the moment he walks back through that door but this time, he'd be enhanced with alcohol and with his flavour of the night.
I ran to my bedroom, moved my heavy wardrobe against the door and laid in my bed, curled in a ball, waiting for my body to relax , but there was no relaxing when I knew what could happen when he was drunk.
I had somehow managed to avoid Lacey all afternoon, after i suddenly removed myself from her precious wedding meeting.
I’d returned to my Office to catch up on some paperwork which was way more appealing than sitting with my fiance all afternoon listening to her and her shrieky voice demanding this and that.
It was Ten Thirty pm and i was contemplating not even going home this evening, it was no surprise really, i often stayed at the hotel because it was “busy” when really I just didn’t want to go home. I was too tired to carry on the charade. Lacey never waited up, she didn’t care so why would she bother waiting for me to return home?
I hung my head heavy on the desk rubbing my forehead trying to release some of this stress i was constantly in. Why was this even happening i really don't.. I was interrupted when I heard a gentle knock at my office door, who could this be at this hour? I sat assertively and projected “ come in”.
To my surprise once the door slowly opened I saw Marco. My doorman and old friend. He was Tall and slender, Always dressed in his dark blue suit, clean shaven and presentable. He had one of the most understanding smiles a guy could have. Marco was probably one of the only ones who still worked here since my mother ran it. He had been here from the beginning, was a young lad when he first started , my mum gave him the chance he needed and he's never left, clearing his throat “ sorry to bother you so late sir, but i have some belongings to one of our guests but i can't seem to find out which room she is staying in.” he said.
My hand drew to my computer mouse, refreshing my screen I replied, “ Right, okay what's the name?” He replied , “ only got her last name sir, Valentine”
A frown grew upon my face, I'd never heard that name before, and I make an extra effort to make sure I know of all the guests name who are staying in my hotel.
Typing it into the database , I wasn't surprised when no log had appeared , whoever this woman was she wasn’t staying here. “ sorry Marco, there's nothing here. She doesn’t seem to be a guest of ours..” my thoughts trailed to the mysterious red head in my restaurant this morning. “Marco, what did she look like?”. Marco clearly confused by my sudden interest to what she looked like by the look of confusion that flashed across his face “ well sir, she was average height about 5’7 she looked older than i think she was. I assume twenty four, Long hair brown eyes. Can’t really think of much else sir, sorry.” Disappointed by Marcos description because he had practically described 80% of the women that walk into my hotel day in day out.
Hang on, he didn't mention what colour hair she had? I eagerly raised to my feet blurting out “did she have red hair?.. Marco?” taking Marco by surprise he stuttered “ um.. yes , yes she did sir.”. Without any self control a smile crept across my face, why was I smiling? I didn't even know this girl. Hadn’t even seen her face, but now i know her name, well part of it . Valentine. She was a complete stranger yet she had managed to bring the most genuine smile I'd had in years out upon my face.
Shit i got lost in my head again, Marco was staring right at me patiently watching my face. “ sorry Marco, you caught me thinking about something then. If you leave the stuff on my desk, I'll make sure if Mrs Valentine Returns she gets her belongings.” with that he placed the belongings down and returned to the door about to exit he turned and said “ oh Mr Hale, i forgot to mention , she's a Miss not a Mrs” and with that he gave me a quick smirk and left my office.
Who is this girl and why was she in my hotel? This thought kept me up all night, tossing and turning to the point where Lacey told me to go and sleep in the spare room.
I had decided after Marcos visit i should go home, to my fiance and stop hiding in my office. I felt guilty for staying so late which was odd, because over the last two years I've stayed much later for much lesser reasons. I knew for a fact Lacey didn't mind because when I returned, she looked disappointed rather than happy to see me, she wasn’t even mad at me for walking out on the wedding planning meeting earlier on.
When I woke the next morning I turned to see Lacey sitting on the edge of the bed staring at me, with her ice blue eyes. I groaned, it was far too early to be fighting with her but there was no stopping anything she wanted to do. Her light blonde hair flowed down her back as she bent forward to get closer I resisted from tucking it behind her ear, she hated me touching them precious little hairs on her head.
My thoughts soon frozen by the poison from her tongue “ Jackson if you think for one moment I have forgiven you for yesterday you are wrong. Margo was so upset that you left this is the third meeting you have suddenly removed yourself from. I wanted us to do this together..” Us she used the word us? I was gobsmacked because I didn't even know she had the word us in her vocabulary, all I knew was she used ‘I want’ and then sh
e got.
I let out a small chuckle of laughter, oh boy was that the wrong move. She froze, contemplating her next move, she really was an ice queen, emotionless she said “ Jackson, do you want to fuck me?” Was i dreaming because this was getting so confusing, one minute she's shouting at me, freezing me with her icy blue eyes and now , now she wants me to fuck her? “ Jackson, fuck me ? .. please Jackson, I want you” she lifted my hand to her face and slowly placed my index finger in her mouth, seductively circling her tongue around the tip. Glaring at me the whole time. I re- adjusted my shorts and moved to kiss her, I needed her. All this teasing , it had been a while since we had been intimate.
As I moved closer, hungry for more, she quickly stood up arms folded. “ Too bad Jackson. Because i don't want to fuck you after that little stunt you pulled yesterday” with that she gave me a twisted smile and walked out of the room leaving me with a big problem i needed to sort out. I needed a shower. Now.
Arriving to work i was in a foul mood, A really foul mood, i had got half way here when I realised I hadn't put the alarm on the house, so I reluctantly returned home and put the alarm on. I was back on the route here when Tommy phoned asking for a lift to the train station, Which was fine. Until he made me wait 30 minutes for him, whilst he tried to get rid of the girl he brought home last night.
Which didn't end well, there were tears and tantrums, quite comical from where I sat watching a 5 foot girl flip tommy over her shoulder onto his front lawn at seven thirty am. That was until one of his neighbours got involved with a hose pipe, spraying the pair of them in his dressing gown. Tommy finally entered the car and I drove him to the train station, I was mildly annoyed because I was running late and I hated running late but it was okay , it was just one of them mornings.
That was until i got a phone call from Margo , “ Hello Mr Hale, sorry to phone so early but i haven't been able to book the private jet for the honeymoon as i haven't received payment. I hate to ask you this but am i able to have your payment details sir” Stunned i pulled over in disbelief. “ Sorry Margo did you just say private jet?” She replied, “Yes Sir, Lacey was telling me how you're so excited that we managed to find one available for the date.” WHAT! A private jet, i don't want a private jet, i hate flying, it is literally my worst nightmare. And i try to not fly as much as i can so why would i be thrilled about a private jet, after the morning off hell, Laceys tease, and the antics that followed, I had lost all patience. “ no Margo, No you don't have permission. You don't have permission to book anything until our next meeting in a week's time.” She replied nervously “ Mr Hale i'm sorry but…” and with that i hung up. I had misplaced my trust in letting Lacey book what she wanted because i thought , i foolishly thought she would be sensible. But from that little phone call she clearly hadn't been, and i wasn’t going to make myself bankrupt by marrying a woman who i couldn't really stand the sight of at the moment.
Storming into my office and slamming the door shut I phoned Polly, “ Morning Polly, Make sure no one bothers me this morning unless its an emergency” i know my harsh tone hadn't been unfair on poor Polly, but right now.
In this very moment. I was past caring.
I didn't sleep at all last night, and that showed. When I looked in the mirror this morning I was greeted with dark grey bags under my eyes and there was a nice light purple bruise on my right cheek bone. Using my concealer i gentle covered it up as much as I could, and well unless you got close, real close and really stared you wouldn't notice. And seeing as I can't imagine anyone staring or even looking at me i think i will be okay. Carefully moving the wardrobe and unlocking my door, slowly and as quietly as I could, I crept out of my bedroom.
Checking the coast was clear, I didn't hear him return last night but that doesn't mean he wasn't here. But I tell you what I wasn't going to stick around to find out. Grabbing my bag , phone and an umbrella, after yesterday I've learnt you never know when it would rain here . I stepped out into the cold brisk morning air, thick white fog gliding around the town. With a deep breath I whispered to myself, “ today is a new day” with that i made my way down into the town. Unsure of where i would end up today.
There was something different about this town, compared to the countless others. It had character, everyone around here seemed to know each other, and well if they didn't know you, they were still kind enough to give you a smile or wave. Suddenly feeling self conscious about my face, I kept my head down and watched the pavement ahead of me. As I walked past ‘The Grand Hale Hotel’ i contemplated going inside, seeing that room , experiencing my first time in there all over again. But as I stopped in front of the hotel , I quickly remembered me darting out the kitchen exit and how I had most likely been noticed in my erratic ways, therefore they would know that I wasn't a guest and I surely wouldn't be welcome anymore.
Continuing my stroll into town I felt a vibration in my pocket from my phone , panic quickly flew through my body, grabbing my phone i opened the text
Hey sis, missed you this morning. Sorry for yesterday you just worried me. I’ll buy you a new sketchbook. See you tomorrow I'm staying at my dad's tonight.
Ty x
Reading the text I wasn't surprised, this happened a lot. His anger took control and i was a punching bag, then the next day would come and it would all be forgotten about. I would have to act normal, and get over it. Because if I didn't, well, let's put it bluntly, he would get angry again.
At Least I could be alone tonight, not worry about coming home to him. Arriving to a small coffee shop, which was surprisingly super busy I managed to find a table in the corner. I reached in my bag looking for my sketchbook, I knew this was the only one he wouldn't of burnt because I had it in my bag when I got home last night. Or had i? It wasn't here, and I definitely had it yesterday. How did he get it out of my bag and throw it in the fire with the others without me noticing.
That last sketchbook had given me hope that i could have salvaged some memories of my past, places I have visited people i had watched. Feeling disappointed and broken a tear rolled out of my left eye. Only one single tear appeared but for me, that tear was equivalent to the hours of crying. I spent the majority of the morning watching out the window, watching the world go by, people happy and smiling. Wishing I could feel just a little bit of that, if not now, then hopefully one day.
By 2pm I was tired and had enough , I left the coffee shop to start my Journey home i was just passing ‘The Grand Hale Hotel ‘ When i swear i heard my name. I did, when I glanced round I could see Mr. Dark Blue suit running and waving his hands at me. Should I run? Because they definitely know i'm not a guest now. They must do. But I was tired, tired of running and hiding. So I didn't do anything , I just stood there, waiting for the worst to happen.
A panting Mr. Dark Blue suit, bent over with his hand on his knees raising his hand to show me one finger, “ one .. sec.. Please” heavily breathing in between each word he spoke, he panted some more.. “Trying.. To .. catch .. my .. breath” Standing up straight he patted his suit into perfect position. “ Miss Valentine, i'm sorry if I startled you. Yesterday you left some of your belongings behind. Would you like to collect them? I’ve left them in a safe place for you”.
My belongings? I don't remember leaving anything behind. “ i'm sorry ..” I spoke shyly , losing that confidence from yesterday “ but i think you have the wrong person”. Mr Dark blue suit took a step back “ We'll, Miss Valentine, if that's so, I shall just tell Mr Hale to throw the sketchbook and coat away” he said in a sarcastic tone, this guy was good. Hold up did he just say sketchbook? I wanted to grab his face and kiss him. I was thrilled they had my sketchbook , my last sketchbook.
As i followed Mr Dark Blue Suit back into The Great Hale Hotel , i thought to myself. Maybe just maybe this town is going to be different. Mr Dark Blue suit came to a sudden stop in the foyer when a petite little blonde, approached him pulling him aside. Peering over her shoulder he mouthed to me “straight up the stai
rs, first left” with a silent thank you and a smile full of hope and appreciation i continued to make my way up the stairs. I was going to get my sketchbook back. I was going to get some of myself back. An uncontrollable smile crept across my face, and i loved it. That was until i reached the first door on the left. The big dark oak door. I Froze, what do i do now. Who am i even wanting to speak to , yet who was sat behind this door. Oh fuck. Mr Dark Blue suit had said his name and i had completely forgotten. Shit. With a deep breath and shaky hand i raised it to the door, lightly brushing my knuckles against the dark wood. Half hoping no one was there, and half hoping i could just sneak in and take it without anybody noticing. Has anyone heard me? With a sigh i turned to walk away, approaching the stairs, i hesitated. Screw it, i'm going to knock on that door and if no one hears me this time. I'm going in, technically i wouldn't be stealing , i'm just taking what is mine. Right?
I was still , most definitely in the worst mood. And usually shouting at people took the edge off it, but today that was not working. I had called the suppliers and shouted at them, called Margo, shouted at her, Called Tommy shouted at him. I was running out of people to shout at. And most frankly , whoever was next, would be out of luck because I was ready to explode.
But as if right on cue i heard a tap on my door? Was that a knock? Or a Gust of wind. Hm. Wind i'm going with wind because whatever that sound was definitely wasn't a knock, and no one had continued knocking or attempted opening the door. Yep definitely a gust of wind. See i'm starting to go crazy, im that wound up that I'm imagining wind knocking on my door.. *loud knock on door* Now ladies and gentlemen that was a knock.