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Seeing nothing but Red Page 7
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Page 7
Her arms swiftly folded and her persona became very stern. “ what has happened to you? Actually don't tell me now, you're coming to stay with me whether you like it or not.” it was sweet of her to offer and care as much as she clearly did but i didn't need saving. I was a big girl and i had to deal with these demons by myself, i couldn't even imagine Polly getting involved in my life, i don't even want to be involved in it so why would i want to bring one of the only people who has truly cared about me into this shit show. Pulling my big girl panties up i tried with all my might to tell her i was fine “ honestly it's fine Polly, nothing i haven't handled before.” to be fair this was probably the biggest lie i had ever said because every time was different, there would be days not many but there were times when i felt like i had a normal big brother , who cared and protected me. Then there was the rest of the times where he would treat me like a slave, shout at me for no reason, blackmail me into doing whatever he wanted. But the worst times was when he would humiliate me , psychologically punish me so i felt broken to “teach me a lesson” i didn't need teaching, it was just so he could feel powerful. I’ve always wondered why he is the way he is, he's 10 years older than me and well my mum has never been around. I guess in a way he has felt the need to parent me but the way he's done it baffles me completely. My dad is a guy who was one of my mums many one night wonders. The joke is 2 years ago i asked about him and she said i don't even remember what year it happened. Ironically that would be the year i was born but she was never one to pay attention to me. I think i was just an inconvenience to her endless romantic encounters. She used to visit once a month but once she started to see me grow into the woman i am today. She became bitter, she wouldn't introduce me to guys she was seeing, as she said “ you're too easy of a distraction and you ruin my fun”. So she pops in once a year, bringing a gift from whatever travels she has been on, saying all the “ you should've seen it, wish you could of been there and i thought of you when i saw this” but never the “ would you like to come or i would love to spent some time with you”. And because of her selfish attitude i ended up being raised by someone who hated my existence just as much as she did. The thing about Ty is he treated me like i had taken his most precious possession and destroyed it and he was forever seeking revenge on me. I just couldn't work out why this was happening to me. Polly broke my chain of thought by slamming her keys into my hand and grabbing it in the process, pulling me closer to her face she looked into my eyes and said “ you will take these keys. You will sit in my car. You will wait for me to check out and you will be staying with me”. For such a tiny little blonde she really could be intimidating when she wanted to be. I didn't have much fight left in me anymore. So i did as she said, i waited , i waited for 15 minutes when i decided to wait no longer. I sent her a text saying “ i’ll be fine, i need to sort some stuff out i will come and see you tomorrow. Much love, keys are in the arch of the wheel.”
I started my walk home, literally if you’ve ever seen a zombie before, me in a movie , they pretty much walk around aimlessly, because well they are brain dead. But right now if you saw me you'd think the exact same thing, the fact was, I was walking home yet I didn't even feel like i was present whilst i was doing so. My mind was just stuck on his face. The way he looked at me as the room was filled was so much passion, i was about to break down my wall from him, to give him my all. And then he said it , he had a fiance. That look on his face of guilt, I don't know whether it was from telling me or from him saying it out loud and hearing his sins for himself. But I couldn't get that chiseled to perfection face out of my thoughts and by the time I had started to overthink something else I was home. Home too quickly , home to reality.
Ever since Ty went away for a few days the atmosphere has been different, the surroundings have changed. I thought my life was a nightmare before but now it feels like hell. Arriving onto our drive there now sits a 4 seater sofa, filled with drunk men who look like they haven't bathed in years and smell the same. That mixed with the heavy punch of alcohol. Where as before Ty liked to keep our somewhat dysfunctional lifestyle behind closed doors now it seems as if he is asking for an audience. Our once patchy grass was now embedded with cigarettes and beer cans. The roar of drunk men laughing echoed throughout the street. 4x4 pickups with ridiculously high suspension looking mean as hell scattered down the road looking incredibly out of place and there on the drive sat Tys pick up and something that looked even more out of place than me. That out of place thing would be the 1964 pontiac GTO on the driveway, glistening in perfection. There was something so hot about a guy driving an old american muscle car. It looks so out of place here though with its shiny cherry red paint job, looking flawless against the mist of drunken slobs. But hey who am i to judge, it's not like i look out of place around here or anything. Stepping in my house was like stepping into a bar, thick cigarette smoke clouding my view, this was awful, there was no way i would be able to stay here tonight, i couldn't even find my bedroom. I made it to the kitchen and placed my hand on the sideboard, however i quickly regretted that move when my hand met a gun. I'm not sure what type or make it was but what i can tell you is that is was a gun and it frightened the hell out of me. I knew these guys were dangerous but i didn't realise how dangerous they really were, and why was Ty messing about with people who carried guns. In sheer shock and panic i scrambled in any direction which felt as if it could lead to an exit, however this was so difficult considering my view was restricted heavily from this cloud of thick smoke. Minutes were feeling like hours and then it all came to a crashing halt when i felt a big greasy hand on the back of my neck, feeling hot stinky breath around my ear, “ what's a pretty thing like you doing here? Fancy being a bad girl for me? Whether you like it or not i'm going to show you a good time tonight little girl.” my heart raced and my palms sweat i was in sheer panic, i couldn't even turn my head to face this guy who was talking to me like filth. I tried to pull away from him but his grip was firm, unforgiving. I did what i could only do in that situation and i screamed. I screamed as loud as i could and i kept screaming i couldn't stop, it's like all my fears were slipping out of my mouth, uncontrollably. He had let go of my neck and before i had time to move away i felt blood splatter across my arm, turning i found the guy who i assume had hold of me laying on the floor and with a tall figure shadowing him. I couldn't work out what he looked like with all this smoke and i couldn't work out what anyone was saying around me as the music in here was far too loud for any sane person to enjoy. So i scrambled my way to my bedroom which unsuspectedly was occupied by people fucking. It was who was fucking that caught me by surprise as its was Ty , on my bed with some dark skinned biker chick with tattoos from her neck down. The sick thing was when he spotted me walk in the room all he did was laugh at me. I couldn't stand this i felt like i was walking through a house of horrors , i have a million thoughts racing through my mind right now and i cant cope, i am scared and I have nowhere to go, but i know i needed to get out of here quickly so that's what i did, i turned and i ran, I ran out of the house and I was running down the street the silence slowly entering me as the house disappeared into the distance, I slowed my pace and i had no idea where I was going but I knew I couldn't be in as much danger as I just was in.
But, Before i had any chance to let my brain catch up with what had just happened the rumbling of a V8 engine racing down the road brought me to a sudden stop. To my surprise it was that sweet cherry red parked outside my house. Shit this car was outside my house, what if it was that guy that had been whispering filth into my ear, i wasn't out of danger yet , i turned back and i ran who was i kidding, running away from that beast of a car was a stupid idea because within seconds it skidded in front of me stopping me in my tracks. I mean the guy driving this thing can sure as hell can drive it. There wasn't much point trying to out run this car now, i had to accept whatever fate i was going to be meeting. As if my life quickly switched into slow motion , his car door flung open.
Out stepped t
his 6 foot guy, dressed in tight black jeans revealing all the built up muscles on his legs, his chest draped in a baggy white t shirt, revealing his tattoos around his neck and arms. He was like a walking sketchbook and i wondered if his tattoos had a story or were just a fashion statement. One caught my eye it was a beautiful yellow rose on his upper left arm however half of it was on fire, burnt. It was so beautiful yet so destructive. Whilst my mind had pondered the reasoning behind this tattoo i had actually lost all fear from this stranger who has literally just been chasing me down the street in his car. As he got closer he flicked his slick hair out of the way, and under that hair had sat a gorgeously shaped face, stubble gently creeping along his jawline & dimples slowly appearing as he was about to open his mouth. His eyes were a mystery they were hidden under a pair of black ray ban type glasses. He smelt like trouble, and not the kind of trouble you run towards but the kind of trouble we know is bad for you but somehow there's no escaping it. And with that my whole world turned black.
I actually hate these parties, i hate being here and i hate watching all the shit these guys get up to. Stupid shits think they're invincible. I was here for one reason and that was purely for Ty, he had become one of my best workers, i spoke and he did. The business was booming and pretty much i owed it all to him because he put stones in place , in places i couldn't even look at to get us to where we are today. I kept my hands clean , he didn't but the money we made would never trace back to any of that due to the measures he took to make us a success. We were at the top of the chain for supplying Class A drugs to Class A people, the rich wanted discretion and they wanted drugs. With no papertrail. The worst thing is when someone with money get caught doing cocaine or worse. They have money pissing from there arses, you think they wouldn't care, but the system round here likes to make an extra special example of those who think they are above the law. So we offer them a complete and utter get out of Jail free card with any of our services. And boy does it pay off.
There's no street corners, shootings and turf wars because nobody knows who we are or what we do apart from the ones who hire us.
Not saying things don't get a little messy at times but it's part of the trade. But I tell you this, if Ty hadn't given his all for this to work we wouldn't have the business we do today and we wouldn't be getting the money either. Saying that what the fuck is Ty doing with his because this place is a dump, considering he's on a weekly 6 figure salary, you would of thought he would of had a nice place or at least made it look nice.
The walls were full of holes where i assume he has punched the wall, there was red splattered up some of the curtains, looking like a bloody murder scene and in one room there looked as if there had been a fucking fire. It stank like dirt in here mixed with all the weed, booze and piss these friends of Tys are playing with. Like i said i wouldn't be here if he wasn't for Ty. These friends of his are trouble, and not the type of trouble i want to be getting involved with either. These lot are the type of guys you lock your doors from. They think the world is theirs and they're ready to take it all.
I’m no casanova but they way these scraggly old guys are with the woman round here makes me sick, some of the creepiest looking guys slipping hands down young 20 year old skirts and acting like its normal. The sick part is some of these girls are so drugged up they don't even know what they're doing.
Making my way to the kitchen looking for something to distract me from this horror show i feel like i'm watching, I debated having a drink but decided I best not, probably get poisoned knowing this lot. Looking for a glass for some water, seemed like the safest idea, i came across a mug with the name April on, who is April? Before I had any time to think about this April mug my ears were pierced with the most haunting scream and it was so freaking loud, turning my back i saw only inches away this gorgeous Redhead her face was in pure panic mode. She didn't belong here.
Traveling away from her face I noticed the grimiest guy had his filthy hands on her neck, I could see his nails gripping on tightly to her ivory skin. Without even thinking I picked up a chopping board. I know, a chopping board but it was the closest thing to my hand at the time and I moved to the side of him and i ended up hitting him straight in the back of the head, narrowly missing that stunning redheads face, i must've hit him a lot harder than i thought cause i knocked him out sparko. Little panicked i may had just killed him i bent down to check his pulse, dumb fucker was fine just unconscious. Why did i care anyway.
Regaining some sanity I searched for the redhead, to check she was okay but she was nowhere to be seen. Now if I was her what would i do, hm. I’d get the fuck out of there as soon as possible, withdrawing my keys from my pocket i darted outside keen to find this redhead , i wanted to make sure she was okay? Yeah that was it. Maybe i wanted to know her name. That was normal, I just saved her life i want to know her name. I have a right too. Maybe just maybe i would like a rewarding heroic kiss as well. Who wouldn't.
Jumping in my sweet ass 64 GTO I sped down the road, with the red dot in the distance slowly becoming bigger, this poor girl was running. She was running pretty damn fast but unfortunately not fast enough. I must look like a stalker right now, and you know what, I don't even care. I want to check she's okay as for her to be running the way she is now she must be terrified and well maybe i'm not making it any better by chasing her in my car but it will be fine once I explain.
I keep going to stop behind her but she runs off so i do what i'm only left to do and that is , I hit her. Just kidding, I drove past her and blocked the way she was going, she had to stop. She did stop i think she debated turning and running the other way but she forgot she had to be breathing to do so, she was so out of breath.
Poor girl, was so out of breath and she was crying too, which really wasn't helping her to get that breathing back on track.
Before I had a chance to explain who I was I watched all the colour suddenly drain from her face, as if in slow motion I watched her as she slowly lost all life within herself and she fell to the ground. Fuck.
Lifting her lifeless body I carefully placed her on the backseat of my car and I drove her to the nearest hospital, she hadn't even come round by the time we got to the hospital. How the fuck was i going to explain this, i couldn't. I did the only thing I could think of and I lied. I lied and said I found her on the street, which is partly true if you think about it, I just left out the bit where I was chasing her down the street in my car after saving her from an old perv at a house party who i either killed or knocked unconscious. The nurses seemed to believe me or they bought my charm which worked a lot in my favour, must be my gorgeous face.
Since I wasn't family they said I couldn't have any contact, which was great. Not. How was I to tell her who I am if i'm not even allowed to see her. I hope she's okay, I didn't even think she wouldn't be until I noticed all the staff in there with her, I just assumed she was tired or whatever. The amount of doctors rushing into the room made me nervous. How someone i hadn't even spoken two words to, could have such a big impact on how I was feeling baffled me. I didn't even know this chick and I was super concerned about her.
I sat outside the room erratically moving to get comfy , passing the hallway and trying to sneak a peak in the room which always resulted in me getting a filthy look from the nurses. Damn, they are watching me like a fucking hawk.
2 hours had passed and a few of the doctors had left the room but there was still at least two in there, why did she need two doctors. Time was going so slowly in here, i debated leaving. Fuck it i don't know this girl but every time i went to leave i found myself sitting back down in that same blue chair. Something was drawing me to her and i just needed to know she was okay. Becoming incredibly impatient i tried to bribe the receptionist with money to get some information, unfortunately she really didn't like that, slamming my hands in frustration onto the desk also didn't help me as she threatened to call the police. Brilliant i run a multi million drug business and i've never had any encou
nters with the police but helping this girl would get me arrested.
I think not, so i raised my hand signalling i was going to quiet down and i went back to waiting in the corridor, however when i returned Ty was sat in my seat, Why the fuck was Ty in my seat and how the hell did he know where I was?. “ Ty mate, what you doing here?” i asked. Ty responded with confusion, even more confusion than i was displaying “ What are you doing here Orion? Stalking me are you?” i couldn't get over the anger in his voice, it was strange because Ty was usually very calm around me but right now he was on edge, he looked like he was going to explode. I couldn't work out why, was he on something? Trying to work this out in my head Ty shouted aggressively “ that's my sister in there!! Nobody's telling me what is going on and i'm family!” his voice echoed down the hallway. Everyone around us was watching, unsure of what was about to happen. Now,Ty is a big guy and he looks mean as hell and well when he's angry it makes him look even worse.
With that a doctor appeared and asked to speak to Ty privately, Ty being Ty demanded he speak to us both as we are practically all family, however yes Ty was like family to me only because I saw him practically every day but i didn't even know his sister let alone that he even had one in the first place.
Being pulled into a private room, this was all looking far too serious for me. Something must seriously be wrong. The doctor was very calm, considering i was a bit worried due to Ty’s anger which was clearly portraying, this doctor guy was chilled as fuck. “ Thank You for being patient whilst we are working out what is going on with your sister,” he started very politely, “ now we aren't sure what has happened to your sister April, but we have some issues we have found which we would like to speak to you about” okay now issues is never a good sign, I was hanging onto every word this guy was saying however Ty was next to me and he was becoming very erratic and with that i noticed Ty quickly standing up his chair which resulted in flying halfway across the room. “ look doc, i gotta go, talk to Orion here he will fill me in later i give you permission to do that.” with that he stormed out of the room. I was gobsmacked, me and the doctor were gobsmacked. The situation the words “issues” is important basically and he just walked out. I couldn't believe it, this was his sister. “Okay are you happy for me to continue Orion, as we can't get hold of her mother” the doctor was handling this greatly because if I was him I would've stormed out there and grabbed Ty by his ear and dragged him back in no matter how big or scary he looked. “Yes that's fine please carry on” i responded, i couldn't leave now , i didn't even know this girl but i clearly cared more than her own fucking brother.